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Armando Pedroso - Inspirational Artist

"Art is a spiritual journey

where the only thing you listen to is the voice within."


There is a freedom to listening to the voice within. The voice that quietly whispers directions as it guides and teaches the artist. The voice that comforts, helps and protects the fragile artist ego.

The voice that supports and encourages the artist to take risks without fear or judgment. The voice of God that lovingly leads if you will allow yourself to trust and follow the original Artist.


This artist is best alone when he paints. In the silence, there is nothing to distract, there is only the canvas which too has it own spirit that will work with you or against you so the artist must be still and listen. The process begins in the wide open studio space where it allows the use of any mediums foreign or familiar to place flowing marks on the canvas. This artist uses mediums from roofing tars, plasters, chalk dust as some of the tools to create. This artist is most comfortable working on multiple paintings and styles in the same day. To set limits in the studio is the only thing that stifles the creative process.


This artist is self taught, starting his art career at the age of 42 right after the September 11, 2001 attacks. Prior to that was a corporate career of 18 years in business management and sales.

The past 24 years included thousands of hours in front of a canvas experimenting, years of outdoor art exhibitions, national / international gallery representation as well as art work featured in television, commercials and print.


  • Oakland University, Rochester,

  • Bachelors in Business

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